Debora Sijacki
Deputy Director, Kavli Institute for Cosmology

I am interested in the formation and evolution of cosmic structures from small mass galaxies at high redshifts to the most massive galaxy clusters of the present-day Universe. Structure formation is one of the most fascinating fields of astrophysics. Due to the non-linearity and large variety of physical phenomena occurring on a vast range of scales, it is very challenging to model theoretically, and the full complexity of these processes still needs to be unraveled. My primary research focus is on developing novel numerical models which can follow self-consistently the formation and growth of cosmic structures, including all of the three major constituents: dark energy, dark matter and baryons. In particular, I focus on hydrodynamical modelling of important astrophysical phenomena, such as active galactic nuclei, to understand how they influence the formation, growth and morphologies of the galaxies we observe today.